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Search results for "andrew cuomo"


Israeli authorities announced the death of three Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas during an attack on Oct. 7. The deceased were identified as 85-year-old...


Robert Kiyosaki, co-founder of the Rich Dad Company, is warning about the serious financial troubles facing America due to the country’s debt load. He...


Renowned American shotgun maker Remington Arms is closing its facility in Ilion, New York, nearly 100 years after it opened. The closure will be...


Sen. Joe Manchin criticized the Biden administration’s new rules to reduce China’s influence in the electric vehicle market and vowed to reverse them. The...


King Charles III delivered an opening address at the COP 28 climate conference in Dubai, warning of the dangers of climate change, just after...


The cancel culture backlash against a 9-year-old football fan who painted his face in support of the Kansas City Chiefs has sparked outrage. Conservative...


President Biden’s spending and deficits have reached alarming levels, with the deficit for fiscal 2023 increasing to $1.7 trillion, marking a cumulative $5.9 trillion...


The Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Local 59 (MFT) is holding a meeting to vote on a resolution acknowledging harm done to Jewish residents by...


The crisis at the southern border has caused areas to be overwhelmed, leading to the diversion of agents and suspension of U.S.-bound traffic on...


Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman recently suggested that President Joe Biden should not run for reelection, stating that he is not at his...