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Search results for "hunter"


Israel’s Christian population is growing, with around 187,900 Christians living in the country, representing 1.9 percent of the population. This growth contrasts with declining...


Spanx, a women’s clothing brand, is using a humanoid robot named “Digit” in its Georgia warehouse. Built by GXO Logistics, Digit is designed to...


Recent polls reveal a continued decline in American voters’ trust in the news media, with 60% feeling that media bias is worsening. Democrats, Republicans,...


The Senate has passed only three of the 12 appropriations bills, leaving crucial decisions pending after the holiday recess. Both the House and Senate...


German Mathews, an illegal alien deported five times, has been sentenced to 19-24 years in an American prison for raping and assaulting a developmentally...


Top officials from Donald Trump’s campaign and the Colorado Republican Party discussed plans after the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove Trump from the...


Rep. Ro Khanna discussed the current economic situation, acknowledging high rents, interest rates, food, and gas prices, while noting that wages have increased. He...


Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City, has filed for bankruptcy in New York due to mounting legal bills from his attempts to...


The Kansas City Chiefs have been struggling, losing five of their last eight games, impacting their Super Bowl expectations. Patrick Mahomes’ performance has declined,...


Rep. Matt Gaetz is defying party leadership by endorsing ultra-conservative candidates in key races, despite Republican efforts to coalesce behind other candidates. Gaetz’s support...