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Search results for "carlson"


Tucker Carlson suggested that the Biden administration’s leniency towards illegal immigration is part of a Democratic plan. He outlined four particular points: the large...


Tucker Carlson made headlines during an event in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, challenging the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) to interview him and air the interview....


Tucker Carlson suggested that the Biden administration’s leniency towards illegal immigration is part of a Democratic plan. He outlined four particular points: the large...


Conservative figure Tucker Carlson teased his upcoming trip to Canada with a cryptic voice message left for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hinting at a...

U.S. News

Tucker Carlson discussed the Iowa caucuses and suggested that the rest of the country should conduct elections similarly. He proposed in-person voting with ID,...

U.S. News

Tucker Carlson discussed the Iowa caucuses and suggested that the rest of the country should conduct elections similarly. He proposed in-person voting with ID,...


Donald Trump Jr. mentioned on Newsmax TV that Tucker Carlson is a potential contender to be his father’s vice presidential running mate. He hinted...


Conservative figure Tucker Carlson teased his upcoming trip to Canada with a cryptic voice message left for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hinting at a...


Donald Trump Jr. mentioned on Newsmax TV that Tucker Carlson is a potential contender to be his father’s vice presidential running mate. He hinted...


Vice President Kamala Harris is the subject of a theory presented by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who claims that the Democratic Party...