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Search results for "cuomo"


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed strong criticism of Republicans for not doing enough to stop Democratic policies that she believes are harming Americans....


The debate between Gov. Ron DeSantis and Gov. Gavin Newsom was framed as a showdown between Florida and California. DeSantis criticized Newsom’s failures, while...


Former Rep. Liz Cheney warns that a potential reelection of former President Donald Trump could lead the United States closer to a dictatorship. She...


Sen. Joe Manchin criticized the Biden administration’s new rules to reduce China’s influence in the electric vehicle market and vowed to reverse them. The...


Former Rep. Liz Cheney warned that if former President Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024, it would lead to the end of the U.S....


Former House Speaker Paul Ryan was caught trying to steer presidential endorsements to Nikki Haley, warning against nominating Donald Trump. Ryan has long opposed...


Renowned American shotgun maker Remington Arms is closing its facility in Ilion, New York, nearly 100 years after it opened. The closure will be...


Illinois appeals court upheld Jussie Smollett’s conviction for a staged hate crime in a 2-1 decision. Smollett’s legal team plans to appeal to the...


Robert Kiyosaki, co-founder of the Rich Dad Company, is warning about the serious financial troubles facing America due to the country’s debt load. He...


Israeli authorities announced the death of three Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas during an attack on Oct. 7. The deceased were identified as 85-year-old...